This style was deleted by its author, trashrockx@userstyles

trashrockx@userstyles deleted this style

Try Reddit - Dark Naut 4.0 instead of this deleted style.

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Delicious Reddit 2.0 (Updated 2/10/09)

Added by trashrockx@userstyles, Created: Aug 19, 2008, Updated: Apr 19, 2009
No screenshot


Yes, I didn't use reddit for a long time because of the design. People use that as a way of mocking you cause you aren't "cool" enough to read a very poorly designed website. I'm sorry, but it's hard on the eyes and not an enjoyable experience. Most people probably are already using Stylish on it to change the look anyway to a "dark" theme or something...but those still don't really fix the problems.

I decided to make "Reddit 2.0"

The result is a reddit thats much easier on the eyes, and better at isolating what you are looking with hover styles. Also the comments styling is easier to read with some bordering. It isn't much in terms of adding color or changing fonts or moving older users should still feel at home. But it's enough to really make a difference in enjoying browsing reddit.

* update 2/10/09 * - It's been awhile since I updated this, and reddit has updated with the quicklinks bar on top which screwed up my whole design. I had to make adjustments. I decid

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
trashrockx@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Delicious Reddit 2.0 (Updated 2/10/09), to the extent allowed by law.

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