Reddit RES Minimal

Added by gHjkklsiKKtry@userstyles, Created: Apr 25, 2014, Updated: Apr 26, 2014


A style based on Stilig Mod. This style is designed for users with the RES addon installed. Requires Never Ending Reddit, disabled subreddit styles, and thumbnails next to links to display correctly. This will not work without RES because the prev and next buttons have been removed. Does not work with night mode.

More info
Enable "show thumbnails next to links" under media and deselect "allow subreddits to show me custom styles" under display options in preferences. This style was designed to work with a 1366x768 screen. If the thumbnails aren't aligned properly, edit lines 246, 257, and 269 of the style (higher will move it left, lower will move it right). The home button is located in the red box of the second screenshot. Clicking in this area will take you to the homepage. This style can also be used with "full header" enabled under "pinHeader" in RES options. Removed prev and next buttons because this style was designed to use Never Ending Reddit in RES. The progress indicator was also removed. If NER stops working for some reason, temporarily disable the style to diagnose/click reload. All features of RES haven't been tested, so this style may not work with your setup depending on the settings. The domains of the posts have also been removed because browsers show the destination on mouseover in the status bar. This theme was originally designed for Firefox so I can't say whether or not everything will work with different browsers. Mouseover icon in upper right to display sidebar.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
gHjkklsiKKtry@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Reddit RES Minimal, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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