Twitter Easy-Eye. No White Background.

Added by SingularityUtopia@userstyles, Created: May 13, 2014, Updated: Jun 02, 2015


Twitter Easy-Eye. No White Background. Response to Twitter's update

No white background. Prevents snow-blindness. Various other visual changes. Result: easy on eyes. Info easier to see. Appearance not harsh-stark. For desktop-laptop; perhaps tablets, maybe phones.

Style makes Twitter fit on smaller monitors (1000px), thus no horizontal scroll-bar.

Arial font implemented regarding Twitter's font change.

Change background color via adjusting top three "#E3E3E3" entries.

Promoted Tweets and accounts are removed. "Not logged-in" blackout overlay removed.

Tweet questions-feedback to, or start discussion.

More info
Did you notice the ConanOBrien Twitter URL? Don't worry about it. Regexp (regular expressions) omits widgets (Tweet buttons on external sites), but a regexp URL is invalid for the style thus random URL was added.

Credit: Singularity Utopia.

Entire update log:

Most recent update:

2 June 2015: promoted stuff removed: .PromptbirdPrompt--aboveTimeline, etc.

Applies to:, https?://([^.]*\.|)twitter\.com/(?!widget).*

Related styles:

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