This style was deleted by its author, Kurim@userstyles

Kurim@userstyles deleted this style because of "has a deal-breaking bug in it and im currently too tired of trying to figure out how to solve it."

Try Aftonbladet Nattläge instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Aftonbladet - Project: ABE

Added by Kurim@userstyles, Created: Feb 14, 2015, Updated: Feb 14, 2015
No screenshot


Status: Ongoing

Q: Ok so what is "P:ABE" / "Project: ABE" anyways ?
A: Project: 'A Better Experience' aims at improving the user-experience by for instance hiding unwanted elements.
See: Kurim@userstyles for more information

More info
* semi-muppad när man klickar vidare för att läsa specifika nyheter

Initial release:
* anti-ads: right block, background, top and body ads removed
* patch: modified the body to use the space from the removed ads

Applies to:

Related styles:

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