4chan.org - Project: ABE

Added by Kurim@userstyles, Created: Sep 09, 2014, Updated: Apr 18, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • /b/ - Random
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Status: Early Release (more stuff may or may not come)

Q: Ok so what is "P:ABE" / "Project: ABE" anyways ?
A: Project: 'A Better Experience' aims at improving the user-experience by for instance hiding unwanted elements.
See: Kurim@userstyles for more information

Q: I'm using Chrome & pages keep flickering, why?
A: You need to update the Stylish extension!

More info
Changelog v1.6.0418:
* misc/tweak: minor css cleanup

Previous changes:
* restored iframes since the new captcha uses this garbage
* anti-ads: adbox bot
* anti-nags: "advertise" & "support"
* anti-junk: iframes etc

Applies to:

Related styles:

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